Learn more about how much you should be paying when it comes to moving home or office.
So you are booking a removal from your home or commercialpremises and not sure how much you should be paying? On this page we will gointo detail on what you are paying for and how much on average it is or shouldbe as well as going into our pricings and what we charge!
To start off let's look at the average Local Removal Companythat has full insurance for goods in transit as well as public liability and anice well kept van plus all the equipment needed to carry out professional homemoves.
Many companies will charge an hourly rate with a minimumhours needing to be booked, this is usually 3 - 4 hours with an hourly rate ofbetween £80-£100 for a 2 man & van service, which in our opinion is theminimum needed for a full house move! Lots of companies will then add on a £1per mile additional charge and a fee for using their insurance!
At Johnsons Removals we charge £70 per hour with no minimumhours needed to be booked, this cost includes 2 men & van, Fuel costswithin a 20 mile radius, all the relevant insurances and the use of all ourequipment such as sofa covers, TV covers, Blankets & Straps. We then charge65p per mile outside of a 20 mile radius.
As stated above many companies will charge a set amount permile, this averages out at around £1 per mile although some companies can bemore and some less, it all depends on the company itself, this is why manypeople get 2 or 3 quotes from different removal companies.
When travelling removals companies usually stick to thehourly and charge for time both to the property and back, this is normal and isnot something to be worried about, however, at Johnsons Removals we try to keepthe costs lower and have a state of the art quoting system where we can inputboth collection and delivery postcodes to work out the time & miles it willtake as well as the removal cost so you get one set price as opposed to beingworried about what you are paying for in the long distance move! Our travellingtime is lower than the loading/unloading time costs for the benefit of ourcustomers.
Almost all companies will charge their overheads such as CAZor ULEZ or congestion charges etc. Again this is normal, do not be worried assome companies may have older vans that are not as good on the MPG or emissionsso they have to pay to enter the zones!
Johnson's Removals have a Euro 6 Compliant van that avoidsthese charges so there are no nasty surprises!
That is a question that can be answered quite easily!However you want! Most companies these days should be issuing invoices for workcompleted and not just asking for cash upon completion. Major Red Flag alertspop into mind if this is the case! But we will go more into that shortly!
Some companies accept card payments too, however not all ofthem so be mindful that a transfer of funds or cash may be the easiest and bestway to pay for your local removal or long distance removal company!
People are always worried about paying a deposit for anational removal or a long distance move however if you are using an accreditedcompany then you have nothing to worry about! However paying a deposit for asmall local mover is sometimes a bit different, we here at Johnsons Removalsonly charge a deposit on our long distance moves to hold your booking slot andensure no cancellations occur. Many companies including ourselves charge 50% ofthe long distance move as a deposit however it all depends where you are going,We would suggest trying to avoid a deposit for local moves where possible toavoid being scammed!
Always, and we mean always avoid any company withoutinsurance, this sticks out to us as what's known as rogue traders, if you arereally unsure, ask for proof that your items are insured whilst in transit.
Try avoiding unprofessional looking vans, have a 3 bed houseand someone is suggesting using a small wheelbase van with a low roof? Pleasedon’t, it will take hours and it's just a way for the company providing theservice to over charge. Here at Johnsons we have a massive Luton van that wesend on all of our jobs to ensure there's room for all items in as little tripsas possible.
If you have made multiple phone calls to a company, leftmessages or texts and still got no response? Then yes we would recommendavoiding them, it just seems so shady to us that a company is not on the ballwith booking in their clients and maybe they would let you down further downthe line, who knows!
Here is a rough breakdown and estimation of the costs wewould be charging for a Local House Move or a Local Office Relocation.
As well as this we offer the Long Distance Move servicewhere it is charged on a per job basis instead of the hourly to avoid payingexcessive amounts for being in traffic or stopped getting fuel or food etc!